Switched On: A Bowdark Podcast

A Game Of Prioritization with Wade Krzmarzick

Episode Summary

James and Paul talked to Wade Krzmarzick, Director of IT at TSI, Incorporated. TSI builds scientific measurement equipment (among other things). He gave us insight into budget and time questions, strategic direction he thinks about, and what makes him most proud of his team. It was a great conversation.

Episode Notes

Podcast Episode! A Game Of Prioritization with Wade Krzmarzick

James and I talked to Wade Krzmarzick, Director of IT at TSI, Incorporated. TSI builds scientific measurement equipment (among other things). He gave us insight into budget and time questions, strategic direction he thinks about, and what makes him most proud of his team. It was a great conversation.


The man himself

Money Quotes


We don’t meet every need of the business, there’s no question there. 

[Budget] is a huge huge factor!…If we have a budget for it, and we have time, we can do it.

[IT customers] don’t appreciate the fact that we need to prioritize their ask. 

I’m always looking for the groups that will come alongside us and augment.


When you have an engaged team…that goes light-years. It’s worlds apart.

People have acknowledged that machine learning is a thing…nobody is doing it to even a quarter of what they could be…not enough people are convinced to open the door and see there’s a crystal ball there.